8:21 PM

Hari ini hari Kamis, 17 Mei 2012. Nothing to do. Nothing to say. Yang jelas sih suwung, ga ada kerjaan walaupun banyak tugas, tapi teteup aja males buat ngerjain :| akhirnya posting aja di blog walaupun ga ada ide.
Sebenernya mau sambil buka youtube, tapi karna faktor males juga ya gajadi deh. Cuma buka Google.com , Facebook.com dan blogging. Ditemenin sama secangkir teh dan sebuah pesan instant dari YahooMessenger dari kamu :) oh indahnya hari liburku.

Oke... Cukup curhatnya. Sekarang cari ide buat ngeblog. Posting apa gitu kek. Dan saya pun juga bingung mau posting apa karna emang tidak beride dan ga ada kerjaan. Kasian banget ya :|

Oh iya, kapan hari aku dikasih referensi lagu dari temen. Dia sering banget play lagu itu dan karna rasa penasaran akhirnya aku cari di youtube. Walaupun sempet bilang jangan lagu galau lagi, dan rasa penasaran pun terpecahkan-_- nyeselnya itu LAGU GALAU lagi T__T capedeeeeeh... Tapi rada ga nyesel karna lagunya lumayan bagus dan sampe sekarang masih suka nyanyi-nyanyi sendiri walaupun ga hafal lirik lagunya.. Mungkin habis ini mau share liriknya kali yaaa...
Lagian, aku juga masih belum ngerti dengan arti dari lagu itu. Jadi suka ya cuma sekedar suka :D dan ternyata emang bagus sih :D

Lagunya tuh punya Robbie Williams - She's The One entah kenapa emang suka banget sama tuh lagu. Enak, pas banget buat didenger :3 dan ini liriknya!

Robbie Williams - She's The One

I was her she was me 
We were one we were free 
And if there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

We were young we were wrong 
We were fine all along 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

When you get to where you want to go 
And you know the things you want to know 
You're smiling 
When you said what you want to say 
And you know the way you want to play, yeah 
You'll be so high you'll be flying 

Though the sea will be strong 
I know we'll carry on 
'cause if there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

When you get to where you want to go 
And you know the things you want to know 
You're smiling 
When you said what you want to say 
And you know the way you want to say it 
You'll be so high you'll be flying 

I was her she was me 
We were one we were free 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
Yeah she's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
She's the one 
If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 
She's the one 

If there's somebody calling me on 
She's the one 

She's the one

dan bagi yang mau download lagunya bisa disini yaaa :D



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